Summary: Amazon advertising is a significant tool to increase the visibility and sales on this platform. This blog will help you in applying several effective approaches and may help take more than expected and let your business grow in a sustainable manner.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display campaigns appear to be unique opportunities to connect with customers.
  • It is advisable to utilize eCPC bidding since it increases efficiency.
  • Focus on high-performing keywords to benefit from the strategy.
  • Analyze the performance to make a decision and improve your strategy.
  • Give low-performing keywords a second chance and use them for listing optimization.

In the competitive world of eCommerce, every brand is hustling to be on the top. They constantly search for effective strategies to boost their visibility, increase sales, and achieve sustainable growth. One platform that offers a variety of advertising solutions is Amazon, a dominant marketplace.  

Furthermore, a robust Amazon PPC campaign is vital to thrive on Amazon in 2024 and beyond. Amazon ads are a crucial platform attribute, allowing sellers to target specific keywords and place custom product ads in competitors’ listings and search results. Implementing the right ad strategies can make all the difference. Additionally, businesses are resorting to Amazon consulting services to find the solutions that are the right fit for them.

In this article, we’ll go through some strategies that we, as an Amazon advertising agency, strongly profess upon. 

What is Amazon PPC, and How Does It Work?

Amazon Ads, also known as Amazon PPC(Pay-Per-Click) advertising, is an integral part of Amazon’s advertising system. It allows sellers to bid on keywords and display their ads to shoppers when they are searched. Thus, when a shopper clicks on the ad, the seller pays for that click. This allows sellers to reach potential customers who are actively searching for products. 

Amazon PPC is cost-effective because sellers only pay when their ad is clicked. Therefore, it allows sellers to create ad campaigns targeting specific keywords related to their products, ensuring their ads appear prominent on search results and product detail pages.

Top 5 Amazon Ads Strategies for Better ROI

Now that we’ve been over the fundamental concept of Amazon Ads let’s take on the strategies to increase ROI and create better advertising results.  

Sponsored Brands Campaign

75% of the brands in the market use Sponsored Brands ads more frequently than other methods. Sponsored Brands help develop long-term relationships with shoppers and educate them about the brand. Furthermore, these ads can be categorized as product collections featuring various items, brand logos, and bespoke images. It has a Store Spotlight feature that attracts more customers to Amazon’s storefront. Additionally, you have video ads to promote specific products and bring shoppers to product detail pages or stores. 

Use Automated And Custom Creatives

To ensure relevance and appeal, all healthy running businesses use automated and custom creatives in Sponsored Display campaigns. Automated creatives use product photography from detail pages for familiar brand audiences. On the other hand, custom creatives use lifestyle pictures to communicate the brand’s story to new audiences. Both methods help reach a diverse audience effectively.

Leverage Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (eCPC)‍

An approach that enables Amazon to fine-tune manual bids on the go based on the chances of conversion is Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (eCPC). In some cases, it might raise your bid by as much as 100% when a shopper appears more likely to purchase an item; however, if the likelihood drops, it will also lower your bid. This user-centric dynamic bidding helps ensure ad spend efficiency— by driving traffic likely to result in conversions, thus promoting high-quality clicks onto product listings. With its focus on prioritizing conversions over sheer clicks and making sure every advertisement counts towards reaching more probable shoppers, eCPC stands out as another cost-effective way for Amazon sellers.

Strategically Increase Bids for Top Search Visibility

Since it puts your products at the top of search results, improving visibility and click-through rates, bidding on top of search placement is instead sought for. This can greatly affect sales success and offers a chance for more publicity. Winning bids for Top of Search positioning depends on carefully allocating funds toward highly performing keywords and items. Investigate carefully to find keywords that are highly searched for and relevant to your products. Furthermore, dynamic bidding techniques such as time-of-day bid adjustments should be considered.

Give Low-Performing Keywords a Second Chance

Negative keywords have to be an essential tool for those who advertise products in Amazon and want to avoid their ads appearing in unrelated searches. By adding a specific keyword or a list of keywords, sellers prevent their ads from showing up in search results that have nothing to do with the advertised product. For instance, let’s imagine that a seller sells water bottles and does not want his ad to show up on DIY bottles or water cans-related searches. He can add these two as negative keywords to avoid irrelevant clicks in searches. What is more, one should not forget about low-priority keywords, as they may still have a high potential for growth in ad campaigns. 

Managing negative keywords and keeping an eye on low-performing keywords is bound to improve the ad performance and, as a result, prevent sellers from unnecessary spending. Apart from that, you can use them in Amazon listing optimization for your storefront. 

Tips to Create Amazon PPC Strategies

Those are the strategies you can try to increase the ROI of your ad campaigns. However, if you are new to the scene, then here are some tips for developing strong Amazon Ad Strategies:

  • Experimentation: Discover the most successful Amazon PPC campaigns for your brand by investigating several PPC ad models and testing manual or automatic keyword targeting.


  • Keyword Research and Targeting: Utilize comprehensive keyword research to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords. Match these keywords to product listings for better relevance. Optimize negative keywords by excluding irrelevant terms for efficient ad spend. Use long-tail keywords to attract qualified buyers.


  • Campaign Structure: When constructing campaigns, define them well so as to be easily managed; group similar products and keywords in the same ad groups for better performance; set competitive bids depending on how keywords are doing and what the campaign aims to achieve; trial various bidding strategies in a bid to get best results.
  • Ad Copy and Image Optimization: Ensure that the advertisement content is attractive by using compelling ad copy plus high-quality product images through A/B testing— this is meant not only to bring out benefits clearly but also to engage customers and later be able to determine top performers.
  • Monitoring and Optimization: The regular campaign analysis that involves monitoring key metrics such as CTR, conversion rate, and average order value implies making bid adjustments depending on keyword performance and the goals of the campaign. In addition, keyword optimization should be continually fine-tuned based on data that has been collected.

To Sum Up

In conclusion, Amazon PPC advertising is crucial for brands looking to thrive on the platform and achieve better ROI.  Follow the above strategies to witness the difference for your business. For more such approaches, reach out to us to get the best of the leading amazon advertising agency.