Summary: You must grasp the legal foundations of running your business, if you are looking for how to become an Amazon seller. This article talks about the good points of LLCs and sole proprietorships.  It also recommends when you can create an LLC for an Amazon wholesale FBA business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Know the differences: Find out what distinguishes sole proprietorships from LLCs to guide your Amazon business’s decisions.
  • Store your belongings carefully. Given probable product-related hazards, an LLC affects liability protection, which is essential for Amazon wholesale FBA.
  • Consider future expansion: An LLC helps you to adjust and increases the credibility of your operations as your Amazon company expands.
  • LLC formation: Use these guidelines to create an LLC: Choose a name, organize the docs, obtain an EIN, and draft an operating agreement.


Are you curious about selling on Amazon but still determining the legal requirements? One could inquire, “Do I need an LLC to sell on Amazon?” The quick response is no; as a sole proprietor using your name, you can start selling right away.

As your Amazon company expands, though, creating an LLC could start to weigh heavily. Knowing the key distinctions between sole proprietorships and LLCs, the possible advantages of running as an LLC, and what you should know about establishing one up for Amazon FBA can help sellers. Whether you’re exploring private labels or Amazon wholesale FBA, knowing these ideas can help you decide on your e-commerce path with clarity. Let’s break out the specifics and guide you over the realm of Amazon selling systems.

What Is an LLC?

An LLC (Limited Liability Company) is a business framework unique to the United States that offers owners security from personal liability. An LLC generates a separate legal entity, unlike a sole proprietorship, in which the individual and company are legally linked. This separation means that the LLC, not the individual owners, is liable should the company run debt or encounter lawsuits.

LLCs have a significant benefit in ownership structure flexibility. Sole proprietorships only have one owner; LLCs can have several members, enabling shared ownership and management. LLCs are thus flexible in meeting different business requirements and partnership configurations.

What Is a Sole Proprietorship?

A sole proprietorship is the most basic type of business structure in which one person owns and runs the company. Without official registration or incorporation, this structure takes shape spontaneously when someone starts offering goods or services.

For many entrepreneurs—especially those launching online businesses —looking to generate passive income on Amazon, the simplicity of a sole proprietorship appeals. Therefore, it is important to realize that this arrangement provides no legal difference between the owner and the company. Consequently, the owner has complete personal responsibility for all business activities, including debt and possible legal actions against the organization. Thus, to maintain your business with a sole proprietorship, you may require Amazon Consultancy Services

LLC vs. Sole Proprietorship: Which is Better?

An LLC is a legal entity separate from its owners, protecting it from personal liability and allowing it to conduct business independently. It can have bank accounts, take on debts, and participate in legal actions. In contrast, a sole proprietorship does not separate the owner from the business, leaving them responsible for all debts and lawsuits. While business insurance can help, it only provides part of an LLC’s legal separation. A single-member LLC is taxed similarly to a sole proprietorship but offers more protection for personal belongings through pass-through taxes. While setting up a sole proprietorship is simple, considering the long-term benefits of an LLC can be beneficial as the business grows and faces more risks.

Advantages of LLC

Starting an LLC for your Amazon FBA business brings many perks. This way of setting up a business keeps your things safe as long as you keep your personal stuff separate from your business stuff. Some of the main good things about an LLC are:

  • Keeping Your Stuff Safe

An LLC sets up a legal wall between your personal and business assets. Think about this: if a customer gets hurt by a faulty product and decides to sue, your business assets are on the line, not your money.

  • Tax Options

LLCs have many tax choices. They can be taxed as pass-through entities, corporations, or S-corporations (if they qualify). This range of options, which LLCs have, can be picked each year on tax forms.

  • Flexible Management

LLCs let you set up management how you want. Members can run things together, put certain members in charge, or bring in outside managers. This means you can control how the business runs in a way that works for you.

  • Less Red Tape

LLCs face fewer formal requirements than corporations, though specific rules differ by state. You’ll need to submit yearly reports and pay fees, but you won’t have to deal with boards of directors, shareholder structures, or annual meetings.

  • Better Reputation

Running an LLC can improve your business image, which might lead to more customer confidence and higher sales. The small cost of setting up an LLC does make sense, given this big boost in credibility.

When to Start an LLC

Starting an LLC is recommended for Amazon businesses selling risky products, such as supplements or electronics, as they may be at higher risk of customer harm or potential lawsuits. An LLC structure protects business assets’ safety from legal action, dividing personal and business liability. As the business grows, risks increase, leading to potential workplace conflicts or legal issues. 

Expanding the product or entering new markets may introduce new rules and standards. LLC owners can choose S Corporation tax status, which offers more tax benefits by dividing income between salary (payroll taxes) and distributions (non-payroll taxes), potentially saving on taxes. This structure is particularly beneficial when dealing with products more likely to cause harm or start customer disputes.

How to Start an LLC

Setting up an LLC for your Amazon FBA business takes seven easy steps, as our detailed LLC guide explains. The main part of this process involves sending the right paperwork to the correct state office (the secretary of state) and paying the necessary fees. Adhere to the following steps to make your own LLC

  • Check Out Your State’s Official Website

Every state has its own rules to form an LLC. Go to Google and type “[Your State] LLC registration” to find the official state website. For example, if you live in California, search for “register California LLC.”

Next, go to the business registration part of your state’s website. You’ll need to set up an account before creating your LLC.

  • Pick a Unique LLC Name

Create a distinct name for your LLC that no other business in your state uses. Most secretary of state websites have a tool to search for name availability. This helps you make sure your chosen name is one-of-a-kind.

  • Submit Articles of Organization

This key document gives your LLC legal status. Please send it to your state’s secretary of state office with the required fee. You’ll need to provide:

  • LLC Name
  • Registered Agent Details
  • Business Purpose
  • Member Names


  • Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Like a Social Security Number does for individuals, an EIN is a special ID for your company. Opening a business bank account, submitting taxes, and staffing a company depend on this tax ID in great measure. The IRS website lets you freely apply for an EIN online.

  • Draft an Operating Agreement

Although not mandated by law in every state, creating an operational agreement is a smart idea. This paper details how your LLC will be administered, each member’s responsibilities, and voting rules. It clarifies things and can assist to prevent later member conflicts.

  • Get the Required Permits and Licenses

Where you are located and the type of business you are beginning will determine the particular licenses and permits you will require. Among the usual ones are licenses for some professions, health department permissions, zoning permits, business licenses, and sales tax collecting permits. See what your state and municipal demand to be sure you follow all the guidelines.

  • Open a Business Bank Account

Maintaining your personal and corporate funds separated depends critically on opening an LLC separate bank account. This division simplifies tax reporting and can guard you from responsibility. By aggregating all your company transactions, it also streamlines bookkeeping.


Choosing between a sole proprietorship and an LLC for your Amazon business matters a lot. Starting as a sole proprietor is easy, but an LLC gives you better legal protection and more options as your business gets bigger. You need to know the good and bad points of each type to make smart choices.


To get more help and advice on these tricky issues, think about using our Amazon Consultancy Services. They can help you figure out the best business type for your Amazon venture and give you expert help through the whole setup process.